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2007 Nissan Sentra 2.0 4dr Sedan I4 Manual

2007 Nissan Sentra
Trim Info:
Front Wheel Drive, 4 Door Sedan, Compact
28 mpg city / 34 mpg hwy
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February 4, 2011, 4:50 pm


Question: how do you change the front grille

hit a fence post and bent in the front grille and hood latch and bumper and the upper and lower radiator supports

May 1, 2017, 3:35 am

Franklin M

It appears that the impact caused the hood latch to slide upward resulting in the front part of the hood being held too high with edge of hood now resting slightly higher than the right and left fenders at the seam. Latch needs to be adjusted downward by loosening three bolts situated in elongated slotted holes. This should result in the hood and fenders aligning flush at both right and left hand seams. The plastic front grill insert is held in place in front of the hood latch and radiator. Grommets and plastic plugs secure the plastic grill assembly to a frame assembly that surrounds the grill with overlapping attachments surrounding each headlight assembly.

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