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1999 GMC Safari Cargo Van Base 111.2 WB RWD w/YF7

1999 GMC Safari Cargo Van
Trim Info:
Rear Wheel Drive, 3 Door Reg WB
16 mpg city / 21 mpg hwy
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December 15, 2008, 12:37 pm

Signal P

Question: 1998 GMC Safari fan speed control getting to hot

I only have two speeds left to select from on the fan speed control.,Low or even lower. Winters can get very cold in this cargo van when it is 20-30 degrees outside my cargo van.
If I am on a road trip and have the heat on constintly, I will begin to smell a burning melting smell. I found the burning , melting smell, behind the heater control panel. It really is melting. I replaced this control panel and have begun to smell the same thing happening to the new control panel. I can only leave the heat on on e low speed for 10-15 minutes at a time and then shut controls off and drive with no heat until control panel cools down so I can resume using the heater again. What is that? and why can I not turn the fan up to hi and really blow some heat in? Every winter I have this problem and I think its time I tackeled what maybe causing it. Can you help point me in the right direction with this please? could it have anything to do with the fan bloer its self? because I have thought of just wiring my on direct hot wire and toggle switch to just blow on high speed and be done with it.


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