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1982 Oldsmobile 98 Base 2D Coupe

1982 Oldsmobile 98
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February 16, 2009, 6:39 pm

Reesa K

Question: should you drive it in overdrive in the city

I have inherited my fathers 1985 olds regency. When I was younger my father told me I should dirve it in overdrive in the city. Is this true?

March 19, 2009, 5:16 am

Kris P

It does not matter either way if you are concerned about hurting the vehicle. The only reason to take it out of overdrive would be if you were driving in a area with a lot of hills or inclines, causing the car to keep shifting in and out of 4th gear (or what ever gear OD is on your vehicle).

This shifting back and forth can make the car feel jerky and unresponsive, this become worse with small low powered engine like 4 cylinders that do not have a good level of torque to take a car up a hill in the higher gears like OD.

But with an Oldsmobile Regency, and the fantastic 3800 V6 that it comes with, in most situations, it will have plenty of power to keep it in high gear. But, it is mostly up to you, and depends on your driving style.

Just make sure you don't over rev it, like if you had it out of overdrive and then went on to the highway with out putting it back in to overdrive....this will use a lot of gas, and can even reduce the life of the engine.


Kris - (Tech for almost 20 years, and the PROUD owner of a 1989 Oldsmobile I love that car!!)

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